This is Albus. He was found by a family in Ivanhoe East and brought into the vet clinic I work at. Albus is a fledgling tawny Frogmouth.
The finders originally wanted to keep him and raise him themselves but then they realised it would be best to consult the vet clinic first and see if that was okay.
Under Victorian Law wildlife can only be held and rehabilitated with a special licence.
Albus as you might be able to see has one pupil larger than then other. This is a sign of head trauma.
He has been treated with pain relief and had his eyes checked. It’s hard to tell if he will recover at this stage and may need to be taken to the Healesville Wildlife health centre and see a wildlife vet there.
Albus sadly was vet checked at Healesville Zoo Wildlife Hospital and the after x-rays and an assessment with their vets it was decided to euthanise him as his fracture was too close to the joint and they have a very poor prognosis.
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